How do you define “self-care”? What does it mean? How do you do it? How do you find the time? Does self-care really involve eating a tonne of greens, a fresh manicure, an abundance of crystals, and regular meditation? So many people use the word “self-care” but ultimately, we all struggle to find the balance when attempting to prioritise a little TLC.

Got to Nourish to Flourish

Speaking from experience… when I attempt a routine of “self-care”, personal to me, everything in life just seems to flow better. Self-care can be as simple as recognising and taking better care of your mental health as well as physically. I attempted to explore some of the best ways to relieve stress and give yourself a little self-care. Here are 6 amazing ways to “self-care”:

  1. Meditation – Meditation is a great way to relieve stress at the end of a busy day or simply to begin 0your day in the most peaceful and positive way. Studies have shown that meditation can significantly reduce stress and anxiety symptoms. Furthermore, studies have shown positive neurological effects as a meditative state encourages the growth of new neurons. Entering a mindful, meditative state helps influence brain activity in areas that are involved in reducing anxiety and stress. This technique is scientifically proven to increase your mood!

  2. Making small positive changes to everyday life – This can be as simple as swapping out things from daily life that are unnecessary worries or fail to enhance your life in any way. This could be limiting your social media usage or even swapping your Instagram bedtime scroll to a new, enriching book you’ve been wanting to read.

  3. Be Selfish – Yes being sociable is great for your mental health but so is spending time on your own. Take the evening off and do something that nourishes you and makes YOU happy!

  4. Spend time with loved ones – to counter the previous point, be sociable! Spending time with loved ones and having a good laugh has proven positive effects on your mind, body, and soul! (This does not have to be drinking related!)

  5. Try something new – This idea is a broad one but trying things outside of the box and your comfort zone has great effects on your mood and self-esteem.

  6. Take time off – Plan a trip or fun day out, alone, or with friends! This could be a weekend trip or simply switching off your technology and taking a tech-detox.

I hope everyone is already great with their own self-care “routines” however if not I hope these ideas have opened your eyes to new ways to give yourself a break and nourish your mind, body, and soul.