These are extremely unusual circumstances and during this “lockdown” period it’s easy to feel cooped up, stressed and unmotivated. Instead of succumbing to the trapped feeling and unproductivity why not use this period of time to reflect, refresh, and try out some productive activities to keep you moving forward positively.


Why not try to learn a new language? I used to tell myself one day I’ll take the time to do an evening language class alongside university studies. I am now graduating and no closer to learning enough of a language to string a sentence together. I’m sure many people can relate to claiming they will learn French, Italian, Japanese, or Spanish and could find a spare minute. Now we are into the second month of lockdown? Could there be a better time to try?! There are so many YouTube videos and purchasable online learning content… If not now, when?

Have a spring clean! There are many a time when I put off cleaning the bathrooms or put off clearing out and organising my wardrobe and having a huge declutter. No one can deny the rewarding feeling of a fresh, clean, and organised wardrobe and bedroom. With content like Tidying Up with Marie Kondo and all this free time, there is literally no excuse!

Why not try making a bucket list? This not only gives you a good, long list of things to do and achieve when we finally come out of lockdown but also keeps you positive for all the good times ahead. Rather than wallowing in your pajamas for the fifth day in a row (we have definitely all been there), get dressed and reflect on all the things you can do once quarantine is over!

Fancy something different and challenging? Why not try writing a novel, blogging, or short story creative writing? Blogs are a great way to document your time or even to use it as a form of communication to chat about things on your mind. This all may seem daunting, staring at a blank page waiting for an idea or plotline to come to you. But hey, you’ve got time! Also writing is actually incredibly therapeutic so why not give it a whirl?

Get fit?! I have been running every day and not only does it allow me some much needed fresh air, but wears me out for the evenings, I was struggling with my sleeping pattern due to feeling so cooped up and having FAR too much energy. Not only do I happier and sleep better but I can run distances I haven’t run in years! It has done wonders for my physical and mental health during this time so, pick up those makeshift weights, try some hit home workouts, yoga, or go for a run. It’s so beneficial for your mind and body.

Try painting? Upcycle your furniture? Get your creative juices flowing! DIY is a great choice during this time, if you’ve had niggling décor problems, now is the time to take 30 minutes to fix them. Not only will it look great but it also can feel incredibly rewarding.

Need a little R&R? Try gardening. Transform your garden into a peaceful space to relax in the sun and get that valuable vitamin D.

These are only a few quarantining activities to keep you positive. Whatever keeps you motivated and HAPPY during these testing times!